
yummy yummy cheers!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

So it begins...

Well, here I am, starting a blog. I am new at this so please be patient if I totally fuck it up. Hopefully my computer doesn't over heat and crash (like it has been) before I am done with this. Fingers crossed.

I got about 45 minutes before I have to leave for my experimental foods class. Yes, that is right, if you didn't already read my Bio, I am a nutrition student. And, no it is not all fun and games, this is my ONLY cooking class and it is not that simple my friends. I had to create my own recipes, and it has all this junk fake shit in it. By "fake shit" I mean splenda, splenda, and more splenda. Sorry but I am not a fan of the chemical replacement for natural sugar. How all these extra chemicals are suppose to be healthy is beyond me. Sure there is less calories and the cookie is diabetic friendly, but it just might cause cancer and the growth of an extra tit. Though I am sure the males out there wouldn't complain all too much about the later. Anyway, the cookie ended up being caramel latte flavored, since fat-free coffee sweetener is one of the ingredients to add actual taste. I was going for a more creme brulee flavor, but my resources were limited, and apparently creme brulee flavor is just too high class for a college setting. I am sure I could of achieved more of what I was going for with a type of alcohol added, but I did use alcohol in my last concoction in that class (Chardonnay Cream Sauce) and I don't want to seem too much like a lush. I do think a "cooking with alcohol" class should be added to the curriculum though. Maybe I will come back when I am 40 and teach it. The legal drinking age should be lowered by than, and marijuana legal??? Maybe there will be a hash cooking class then as well.

Ugg 40 mins. now. I really do not want to go battle the elements on my whole three min. walk to class. I think it has been raining non-stop for about four days now. I know they say April showers, but come on now!

So I am starting this new trend, no joke. Hear of microdermal piercings. Well if you have you might think I am completely covered in tats and have my nipples and cha-cha pierced, quite the contrary. Besides the typical slut belly button ring and the ears, I am clean. But the new slut (or hot, depends on the person) piercing is gonna be back dimple microdermals. Yes, this is hot shit. And if you can handle 2 mins. of agony, do it. Truly, it was more painful to watch my friend get them done, that to actually get them done yourself. Well these are my new pride and joy! My boyfriend thinks it is sexy shit, and they are perfect for swim suit  accessorizing. Mine are about 3 months old and healed real nicely.

Full body shot with the Neeniers! Plus my messy room yay! Not for pedophile masturbation purposes thanks!

Oh and the Neeniers! Real full name Martini (Tini). Is my bff from the Animal Kingdom. Sorry to all you cat haters out there. I do love the doggies too. And if you hate Animals, well then you are probably living a sad and depressing life, and I feel real sorry for you. Well, that is all for today. Talk to you laters!

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